Effects of later learning of second language

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 02/27/2015 - 20:11

Sample newspaper article


第二言語の習得は脳の力を高めると多くの研究で示されてきたが、小児期の中頃に学習を開始した人にもその効果が及ぶことを新しい研究が示唆した。研究者たちは、英語を第二言語として10歳頃から学び始め、英国に13か月以上住んだことのある30歳前後の被験者20人の脳のスキャン画像を調べた。画像の分析で、英語しか話さない同世代の25人と比較したところ、10歳前後で英語の学習を開始し日々英語に接した人々は、英語だけを話して成長した人々と比較して、脳の白質の構造に向上が見られた。 (Jan. 17)

Words and phrases

第二言語 (daini gengo) second language; 習得 (shūtoku) learning ; 脳の力 (nō-chikara) brainpower; 高める (taka-) boost; 多くの (ō-) plenty of; 研究 (kenkyū) research; 示されてきた (shime-) has shown; 小児期 (shōniki) childhood; 中頃 (nakagoro) middle; 学習 (gakushū) learning; 開始し (kaishi-) begin; 効果 (kōka) effects; 及ぶ (oyo-) extend to; 新しい (atara-) new; 示唆し (shisa-) suggests; 研究者たち (kenkyūshatachi) researchers; 英語 (Eigo) English; 10歳頃 (jussaikoro) around age 10; 学び始め (mana-haji-) started learning; 英国 (Eikoku) Britain; 13ヶ月以上 (jūsan-kagetsu ijō) more than 13 months; 住んだ (su-) lived; 30歳前後 (sanjussai zengo) around the age of 30; 被験者 (hikensha) subjects, people; スキャン (sukan) scan; 画像 (gazō) image; 調べた (shira-) studied; 分析 (bunseki) analysis; しか only; 話す (hana-) spoke; 同世代の (dōsedai) similar age; 比較した (hikaku-) compared; 日々 (hibi) daily life; 接した (set- ) immersed in; 人々 (hitobito) people; 成長した (seichō-) grew up; 白質 (hakushitsu) white matter; 構造 (kōzō) structure; 向上 (kōjō) improvements; 見られた (mi-) showed

Sample radio or television report

Daini gengo-no shūtoku-wa nō-no chikara-wo takameru-to ōku-no kenkyū-de shimesarete kimashita-ga, shōniki-no nakagoro-ni gakushū-wo kaishi-shita hito-nimo sono kōka-ga oyobu-koto-wo atarashii kenkyū-ga shisa-shimashita. Kenkyūshatachi-wa, Eigo-wo daini gaikokugo-to-shite 10-sai-koro-kara manabihajime, Eikoku-ni 13-kagetsu ijō sundakoto-no aru 30-sai zengo-no hikensha 20-nin-no nō-no sukan gazō-wo shirabe-mashita. Gazō-no bunseki-de, Eigo-shika hanasanai dōsedai-no 25-nin-to hikaku-shita tokoro, 10-sai zengo-de Eigo-no gakushū-wo kaishi-shi hibi Eigo-ni sesshita hitobito-wa, Eigo-dake-wo hanashite seichō-shita hitobito-to hikakushite, nō-no hakushitsu-no kōzō -ni kōjō-ga mireremashita.


Plenty of research has shown that learning a second language can boost brainpower, but a new study suggests that the effects extend to those who begin in middle childhood. Researchers studied brain scans from 20 people, all around the age of 30, who had lived in Britain for more than 13 months. They had all started learning English as a second language around age 10. Their imaging analyses were compared to 25 people of similar age who spoke only English. The study showed that people who began learning English around age 10 and were immersed in the language in daily life, showed improvements in the structure of the brain’s white matter compared to people who grew up speaking only English.

A conversation between acquaintances

A: Daini gengo-no shūtoku-wa nō-no chikara-wo takameru-to ōku-no kenkyū-de-shimesarete-kita sō-desu-ne.

(I heard that plenty of research has shown that learning a second language can boost brainpower.)

B: Atarashii kenkyū-ni yoruto, shōniki-no nakagoro-ni gakushū-wo kaishi-shita hito-nimo sono kōka-ga oyobu-sō-desu-yo.

(According to a new study, the effects seem to extend to those who begin learning in middle childhood.)

A conversation between a husband and wife

H: Uchi-no musuko-mino Eigo-wo dekirudake hayaku manabaseta hō-ga iino-de-wa naika.

(I wonder if we should let our son study English as soon as possible.)

W: Kare-wa mada issai-yo.

(He is only 1-year-old.)

(No. 1244)

Article references