Sample IELTS speaking: preferences (hobbies)

Essay topics

Do you have any hobbies?
yes. my hobby is traveling with my friends to many places. those place is not famous. but important thing is going together. in my life, the best important thing is family and friendship. but of course my family can't traveling with me to many places.

Why have you chosen this hobby?
my character is very creative if I go to with my friends. I can do anything which is the best crazy. I love the way we sit down and talk about many things in the life. it is very warm. we can spend a lot of time chatting together. topic is not anything. maybe this hobby is very strange. but it makes me comfortable. I don't know what is my hobby. I recognize that I don't like anything. in the world, there is not anything which is interested in me. I just do because I worry about my life or I want to do. but it is a short time. in my mind hobby is the thing which makes me be not never boring. it is family and friendship and of course playing.

What are some of the advantages of having a hobby?
the advantaged that I have is spirit. my friends who I made friend is my best friend. I understand them, so that I can recognize their character. you can recognize a really character when you closed to them for a long time. I can understand the way they live. in it I think I learn a lot. for me, the way you live is very important, so that it is advantage I receive.

How much time do you spend on your hobby?
I think I will spend my life on my hobby. :D so.. that is very interested because humanity isn't never total understand.

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