A. Banking

Listening audio
Listening level

A. Banking.


1. Fill in the information about the account.
Type of Account:
(Current account/Deposit account)
Amount of Money Deposited:
Interest Rate:

2. Choose the best answer (a, b, or c).
(1) Where did the woman get the money?

a. She won the money on a lottery. b. She won the money on the premium bonds. c. She earned the money by her hard work.
(2) What will she be given after opening the account? a. A cheque book. b. A cheque card. c. Nothing.
(3) Where did the woman use to work? a. In a bank. b. In a shop. c. In a bookstore.

3. Fill in the blanks.
(1) The bank usually does not give a
until the customer has the account with the bank for
(2) The woman is allowed to use for up to
pounds a day with the
(3) Cheques are not
without a

Listening answers

A. Banking.


1. Fill in the information about the account.
Type of Account:
(Current account/Deposit account)
Amount of Money Deposited:
Interest Rate:

2. Choose the best answer (a, b, or c).
(1) Where did the woman get the money?

a. She won the money on a lottery. b. She won the money on the premium bonds. c. She earned the money by her hard work.
(2) What will she be given after opening the account? a. A cheque book. b. A cheque card. c. Nothing.
(3) Where did the woman use to work? a. In a bank. b. In a shop. c. In a bookstore.

3. Fill in the blanks.
(1) The bank usually does not give a
until the customer has the account with the bank for
(2) The woman is allowed to use for up to
pounds a day with the
(3) Cheques are not
without a