E. Mr. Pollard and the Solicitor

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E. Mr. Pollard and the Solicitor.


1. Choose the best answer (a, b, or c) for each of the following questions.
(1) What does the speaker think of solicitors?

a. No solicitors are rich and prosperous. b. Not all solicitors are rich and prosperous. c. Most solicitors are not rich and prosperous.
(2) How does the speaker describe his clients? a. They are less fashionable. b. They are poor and full of problems. c. They are miserable people.
(3) What was not Mr. Pollard's problem? a. He didn't have enough money to pay for his mortgaged house. b. His house would be taken away by the building company. c. The building company wanted to get back their money.
(4) What happened to the house in the end? a. It became the property of the building company. b. It was sold by the building company. c. It was bought by Mr. Pollard.

2. True or False Questions.
All solicitors are rich and prosperous, and the speaker is one of them.
He has an office near a fish and chip shop which is exorbitant.
His two secretaries are rather inefficient.
He has poor clients because his office is in the less fashionable part of the town.
Mr. Pollard is a small, tidy man with a large head and round, fashionable glasses.
Since Mr. Pollard owed eleven payments totaling fifty pounds, the building company sent a clerk to tell him that they intended to take back the house.
According to the solicitor, if the building company sells the house less than what Mr. Pollard has paid, Mr. Pollard will not get back any money.
According to the solicitor, asking for more time means nothing to Mr. Pollard.
Mr. Pollard feels hopeless because the solicitor does not want to telephone the building company.
Mr. Pollard only received sixty pounds after the house was sold.

Listening answers

E. Mr. Pollard and the Solicitor.


1. Choose the best answer (a, b, or c) for each of the following questions.
(1) What does the speaker think of solicitors?

a. No solicitors are rich and prosperous. b. Not all solicitors are rich and prosperous. c. Most solicitors are not rich and prosperous.
(2) How does the speaker describe his clients? a. They are less fashionable. b. They are poor and full of problems. c. They are miserable people.
(3) What was not Mr. Pollard's problem? a. He didn't have enough money to pay for his mortgaged house. b. His house would be taken away by the building company. c. The building company wanted to get back their money.
(4) What happened to the house in the end? a. It became the property of the building company. b. It was sold by the building company. c. It was bought by Mr. Pollard.

2. True or False Questions.
All solicitors are rich and prosperous, and the speaker is one of them.
He has an office near a fish and chip shop which is exorbitant.
His two secretaries are rather inefficient.
He has poor clients because his office is in the less fashionable part of the town.
Mr. Pollard is a small, tidy man with a large head and round, fashionable glasses.
Since Mr. Pollard owed eleven payments totaling fifty pounds, the building company sent a clerk to tell him that they intended to take back the house.
According to the solicitor, if the building company sells the house less than what Mr. Pollard has paid, Mr. Pollard will not get back any money.
According to the solicitor, asking for more time means nothing to Mr. Pollard.
Mr. Pollard feels hopeless because the solicitor does not want to telephone the building company.
Mr. Pollard only received sixty pounds after the house was sold.