News Item 3

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News Item 3:

1. Choose the statement that best summarizes this report.
(1) Congress has approved another emergency funding bill.
(2) The spending bill is being debated on the Senate floor.
(3) The House passed immigration reform yesterday.
(4) Congress continued debate on an overall spending package for the year.

2. True or False Questions.
The overall spending bill for this fiscal year amounts to five hundred and seventy-seven billion dollars.
Big orange and white buttons which sprouted on lapels all over Capitol Hill have prevented members of Congress from leaving Washington for their campaigns.
The Senate passed the overall spending bill last night.
A drug bill was approved by the Senate yesterday.
The House will deal with immigration reform tomorrow.

Listening answers

News Item 3:

1. Choose the statement that best summarizes this report.
(1) Congress has approved another emergency funding bill.
(2) The spending bill is being debated on the Senate floor.
(3) The House passed immigration reform yesterday.
(4) Congress continued debate on an overall spending package for the year.

2. True or False Questions.
The overall spending bill for this fiscal year amounts to five hundred and seventy-seven billion dollars.
Big orange and white buttons which sprouted on lapels all over Capitol Hill have prevented members of Congress from leaving Washington for their campaigns.
The Senate passed the overall spending bill last night.
A drug bill was approved by the Senate yesterday.
The House will deal with immigration reform tomorrow.