B. Schedule in the Nursing Home

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B. Schedule in the Nursing Home.


1. Choose the best answer (a, b, or c) for each of the following questions.
(1) Which of the following is true about Mrs. Weston?

a. She is a widow living alone. b. She lives in a nursing home with her husband. c. She is a widow living in a nursing home.
(2) In what doesn't Mrs. Weston show any interest when she watches breakfast television? a. The news. b. The chat. c. Old films.
(3) What does she like to do after lunch? a. She likes to take a nap. b. She likes to be taken out in her wheelchair or in a car. c. She likes to stay indoors and read.
(4) Which of the following statements is not true? a. She likes sitting in the park watching the world go by. b. She likes reading and writing letters by herself. c. She enjoys window-shopping.
(5) What does she do in the evening? a. She plays cards. b. She plays cards and does knitting. c. She plays cards or does knitting.
(6) How old is she now? a. Eighty-three. b. Nearly eighty-three. c. Over eighty-three.

2. Complete Mrs. Weston's schedule in the nursing home.
6:30 am:
Before breakfast:
7:00-8:00 am:
8:00 am:
12 o'clock:
3:00 pm:
5:00 pm:
8:00 pm:

3. Complete the list to show what Mrs. Weston usually has for breakfast, lunch and tea.
Breakfast: a
and a large glass of
Lunch: soup,
, a pudding
, salads and

Listening answers

B. Schedule in the Nursing Home.


1. Choose the best answer (a, b, or c) for each of the following questions.
(1) Which of the following is true about Mrs. Weston?

a. She is a widow living alone. b. She lives in a nursing home with her husband. c. She is a widow living in a nursing home.
(2) In what doesn't Mrs. Weston show any interest when she watches breakfast television? a. The news. b. The chat. c. Old films.
(3) What does she like to do after lunch? a. She likes to take a nap. b. She likes to be taken out in her wheelchair or in a car. c. She likes to stay indoors and read.
(4) Which of the following statements is not true? a. She likes sitting in the park watching the world go by. b. She likes reading and writing letters by herself. c. She enjoys window-shopping.
(5) What does she do in the evening? a. She plays cards. b. She plays cards and does knitting. c. She plays cards or does knitting.
(6) How old is she now? a. Eighty-three. b. Nearly eighty-three. c. Over eighty-three.

2. Complete Mrs. Weston's schedule in the nursing home.
6:30 am:
Before breakfast:
7:00-8:00 am:
8:00 am:
12 o'clock:
3:00 pm:
5:00 pm:
8:00 pm:

3. Complete the list to show what Mrs. Weston usually has for breakfast, lunch and tea.
Breakfast: a
and a large glass of
Lunch: soup,
, a pudding
, salads and