The line graph below shows information and predictions regarding the emissions of methane in four countries
The line graph indicates and forecasts the amount of methane emitted in four countries from 1970 to 2060.
Overall, Afghanistan and Kazakhstan will have the most emission of methane while the quantity of methane released in Chad will be lowest.
In the beginning of the period, Afghanistan was the country with the highest amount of emission of methane with 25 tonnes while it was 15 tonnes in Kazakhstan. In the next 50 years, the proportion of methane emitted in Kazakhstan has climbed dramatically and reached over 35 tonnes but in Afghanistan, it has gone down slightly with 20 tonnes methane released. The amount of methane emitted in Afghanistan is expected to be 43 tonnes in 2060 and it is predicted to reach 40 tonnes in Kazakhstan.
For Bolivia and Chad, the proportion of methane released in these two countries in 1970 was 2 and 7 tonnes before increasing steadily between 1970 and 2020 and reached 15 tonnes. In the rest of period, the amount of methane emitted in Chad is likely to go up with 20 tonnes in 2060 while it will be stable in Bolivia with 15 tonnes.