The diagram below shows the recycling process of plastics

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The diagram below shows the recycling process of plastics

The given diagram describes how plastics are recycled. It is clear that there are two different way to recycle plastics, including 9 steps in total. The process starts at consuming plastics and ends at burying at the landfill or recycling at factory.
At the initial stage, consumers buy and use ready-for-sale plastic products at the shop. After that, used ones are divided into 2 distinct categories, including bags and rubbish and bottles. With the former, which can not be reused or recycled, they are transported to abundant areas and buried under the ground.
However, with plastic bottles, they experience a different process. After being collected, they are shipped into sorting house to filter and distribute before being transferred to factory by trucks, where they are officially processed and recycled to start a new life cycle. Having completed all these steps, the plastics recycling process begins again.

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