The table below shows information and predictions regarding the change in percentage of the population aged 65 and above in three countries

The given tabular data illustrates the change in proportion of the population having age 65 years and over in three different countries(UK, Geramny and Canada) over a span of 42 years.

It is clear that, all the thee nations will be having an increment in the number of 65 plus residents. Particularly, Germany will remain on the top among three countries throughout the years 1988 to 2030.

To begin with, it can be seen that both Canada and Germany shows an increase of around 5% to 20.67% and 25.32 respectively, in the mentioned age group population. On the contrary, the UK showed a negligible change of about 0.66% only in the 65 plus population.

Furthermore, it is expected that by the year 2030, there will be an increment of approximately 6% in all the three nations. The population of elderly people aging 65 ad above will reach 26.35 in Canada, 30.42 in Germany and 20.35 in the UK.

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