B. Career Woman and Marriage

Listening audio
Listening level

B. Career Woman and Marriage.


Fill in the blanks to complete the summary.
    Miss Barbara Pream, the
, is being
for a radio program on
. Most of her employees are
(male/female) , and they don't mind having a
boss because she is
. Miss Pream is in fact
, but she prefers not to use her
in the office. Her
has nothing to complain about being
. He
(does/doesn't) enjoy doing the housework.

Listening answers

B. Career Woman and Marriage.


Fill in the blanks to complete the summary.
    Miss Barbara Pream, the
, is being
for a radio program on
. Most of her employees are
(male/female) , and they don't mind having a
boss because she is
. Miss Pream is in fact
, but she prefers not to use her
in the office. Her
has nothing to complain about being
. He
(does/doesn't) enjoy doing the housework.