News in Detail

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News in Detail


1. General Comprehension. Fill in the blanks to complete the following statements.
(1) The brief denial in Washington today was "
(2) Sally, wife of Eugene Hasenfus declined to say
and would not say
(3) To prove that the downed plane had no connection with the US government, the US government spokesman declares that
  a. the plane had been hired by
  b. the people involved were not from
, not from
  c. the operation is
  d. the CIA had confirmed that
(4) Those private groups involved in promoting and encouraging support for contra rebels:
has been involved in
  b. the
has sent
(5) John Carry believes it needs to be determined
, and

2. Choose the best answer (a, b, c, or d) to complete each of the following statements.
(1) The Sandinista government lays the following charges except __________ against the US government.

a. carrying weapons to contra rebels b. having direct military involvement c. sending military advisors to contra rebels d. intruding Nicaraguan air space under the command of CIA
(2) According to the Nicaraguan government, the surviving crew member of the downed US plane had identified himself as ___________. a. an American civilian voluntarily engaged in the effort to support contra rebels b. a US military advisor in nearby Honduras c. a CIA agent on a governmental operation d. an American military advisor in El Salvador
(3) However, Hasenfus' relatives claimed that _____________. a. he is an ex-air force pilot b. he has been working for Civilian Material Assistance since this summer c. he once served in the US marine d. he has been a pilot of an airline based in Florida
(4) There were cautious reactions to the reports of the downed plane on Capitol Hill today. __________ had some doubts about the statement made by the Reagan Administration. a. David Durenberger, Republican Senator of Minnesota, b. Patrick Leahy, Democratic Senator of Vermont, c. John Carry, Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, d. David Durenberger, Democratic Senator of Massachusetts,
(5) ___________ publicly denied any involvement in the latest incident. a. The Senate Intelligence Committee b. Civilian Material Assistance c. Retired General John Singlaub d. The Us Council for World Freedom
(6) US Congress has agreed to provide a-hundred-thousand-dollar aid for the contras but forbidden the following activities except ___________. a. direct military involvement b. providing military aid c. sending US military personnel to the US-backed contras d. landing US military aircrafts in Nicaragua
(7) Francisco Cambbe, a spokesman for the Nicaraguan Embassy, says ___________. a. the US congressionally approved aid is worse than private funded assistance b. the private groups are no better than the US Administration c. both the congressionally approved aid and private groups are harmful to the Nicaraguan government d. the US Administration is actively involved in the war against Nicaragua government
(8) The example that Francisco Cambbe cites to support his argument is ___________. a. John Singlaub's statement on a TV program b. the statement of Secretary of State George Shultz today c. the congressionally approved $100,000,000 aid d. the statement of John Carry, Democratic Senator of Vermont
(9) John Carry expressed his doubts on the administration's statement at a news conference ___________. a. for four protesting American senators b. for four people who are on a hunger strike c. when a demonstration was held on Capitol Hill d. when the official statement from the US government was given out
Listening answers

News in Detail


1. General Comprehension. Fill in the blanks to complete the following statements.
(1) The brief denial in Washington today was "
(2) Sally, wife of Eugene Hasenfus declined to say
and would not say
(3) To prove that the downed plane had no connection with the US government, the US government spokesman declares that
  a. the plane had been hired by
  b. the people involved were not from
, not from
  c. the operation is
  d. the CIA had confirmed that
(4) Those private groups involved in promoting and encouraging support for contra rebels:
has been involved in
  b. the
has sent
(5) John Carry believes it needs to be determined
, and

2. Choose the best answer (a, b, c, or d) to complete each of the following statements.
(1) The Sandinista government lays the following charges except __________ against the US government.

a. carrying weapons to contra rebels b. having direct military involvement c. sending military advisors to contra rebels d. intruding Nicaraguan air space under the command of CIA
(2) According to the Nicaraguan government, the surviving crew member of the downed US plane had identified himself as ___________. a. an American civilian voluntarily engaged in the effort to support contra rebels b. a US military advisor in nearby Honduras c. a CIA agent on a governmental operation d. an American military advisor in El Salvador
(3) However, Hasenfus' relatives claimed that _____________. a. he is an ex-air force pilot b. he has been working for Civilian Material Assistance since this summer c. he once served in the US marine d. he has been a pilot of an airline based in Florida
(4) There were cautious reactions to the reports of the downed plane on Capitol Hill today. __________ had some doubts about the statement made by the Reagan Administration. a. David Durenberger, Republican Senator of Minnesota, b. Patrick Leahy, Democratic Senator of Vermont, c. John Carry, Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, d. David Durenberger, Democratic Senator of Massachusetts,
(5) ___________ publicly denied any involvement in the latest incident. a. The Senate Intelligence Committee b. Civilian Material Assistance c. Retired General John Singlaub d. The Us Council for World Freedom
(6) US Congress has agreed to provide a-hundred-thousand-dollar aid for the contras but forbidden the following activities except ___________. a. direct military involvement b. providing military aid c. sending US military personnel to the US-backed contras d. landing US military aircrafts in Nicaragua
(7) Francisco Cambbe, a spokesman for the Nicaraguan Embassy, says ___________. a. the US congressionally approved aid is worse than private funded assistance b. the private groups are no better than the US Administration c. both the congressionally approved aid and private groups are harmful to the Nicaraguan government d. the US Administration is actively involved in the war against Nicaragua government
(8) The example that Francisco Cambbe cites to support his argument is ___________. a. John Singlaub's statement on a TV program b. the statement of Secretary of State George Shultz today c. the congressionally approved $100,000,000 aid d. the statement of John Carry, Democratic Senator of Vermont
(9) John Carry expressed his doubts on the administration's statement at a news conference ___________. a. for four protesting American senators b. for four people who are on a hunger strike c. when a demonstration was held on Capitol Hill d. when the official statement from the US government was given out