Task 2: Eccentricity

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Task 2: Eccentricity

1. Fill in the blanks to complete the following statements.
(1) According to Dr. Jones, an eccentric is someone who
(2) The Victorian surgeon is a typical eccentric he used to
and sample them as
(3) As for the eccentric, Dr. Jones is most interested in the
, the type who

2. True or False Questions.
Only an eccentric has particular habits which others find irritating or amusing.
Eccentricity has a direct connection with matters of appearance.
The Victorian surgeon lived at Buckland.
Visitors to the Victorian surgeon's house used to get bitten or even attacked by the animals that he kept there. However, the guests still liked to go back.
A hermit is a person who cuts himself off from the world.
Howard Hughes was not a hermit all his life.
Howard Hughes became a recluse because he was tired of high living.
Ever since Howard Hughs became a recluse, he cut himself off completely from the world.
Howard Hughs used to spend his days watching adventure films without eating anything.

3. Fill in the blanks according to what you hear on the tape.
(1) Nobody was allowed to
and he would
his hand
. He didn't even allow
to go near him
and his hair and beard
(2) He always stayed in
to take care of him. He used to spend his days
in a penthouse suite
over and over again and often eating nothing but

Listening answers

Task 2: Eccentricity

1. Fill in the blanks to complete the following statements.
(1) According to Dr. Jones, an eccentric is someone who
(2) The Victorian surgeon is a typical eccentric he used to
and sample them as
(3) As for the eccentric, Dr. Jones is most interested in the
, the type who

2. True or False Questions.
Only an eccentric has particular habits which others find irritating or amusing.
Eccentricity has a direct connection with matters of appearance.
The Victorian surgeon lived at Buckland.
Visitors to the Victorian surgeon's house used to get bitten or even attacked by the animals that he kept there. However, the guests still liked to go back.
A hermit is a person who cuts himself off from the world.
Howard Hughes was not a hermit all his life.
Howard Hughes became a recluse because he was tired of high living.
Ever since Howard Hughs became a recluse, he cut himself off completely from the world.
Howard Hughs used to spend his days watching adventure films without eating anything.

3. Fill in the blanks according to what you hear on the tape.
(1) Nobody was allowed to
and he would
his hand
. He didn't even allow
to go near him
and his hair and beard
(2) He always stayed in
to take care of him. He used to spend his days
in a penthouse suite
over and over again and often eating nothing but