Governments should offer college and university education free of charge to all students Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take In develo

The prompt suggests that the government should offer free of charge education to the college and university students. However, in my opinion the college and university education should not be free to all students, for following few reasons.
Firstly, making the education free of charge to all students could hamper the economic structure of the nation. For example, According to a research done in 2015, the tax from the college and universities contributed more than 15% to the overall GDP of the nation. Thus, by making the education free would not only negatively affect the lucrative nature but also it could cause the profits to be in negative as maintaining the college and universities cost hefty amount which would be paid by government funds.
Secondly, if the education for the college and universities are made free it could adversely affect the students perspective in terms of studying and the quality of education being offered. For instants, in 2008 during the great recession period, few government colleges and universities had their education fee waived off, which resulted in poor quality of education being offered and students being languid as their own money was not on the line. Perhaps, students might have thought that, at extent what could go wrong? Them failing and having to repeat an additional year at no extra cost. Thus charging for education make sense.
Although making the education free of charge could help the backward class who cannot afford to pay the fees could help them get in, there are already scholarship facilities available for them to get into prestigious universities and colleges by having excellent academics. Thus, in my opinion the college and university education should not be free to all students.

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