Young people should be encouraged to pursue long term realistic goals rather than seek immediate fame and recognition Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for th

Should young people be advised to pursue pragmatic long-term goals or should they be advised to pursue sudden recognition and immediate fame?. Although People are always said to be inclined in the mentality of achieving fame in a shorter term, those temperament will not keep those people in the same pinnacle for a greater and longer time. These people who achieved fame in a shorten time will be soon forgotten and be pushed towards their banal and common life styled personalities with the same pace they have gotten to this place of recognition. I agree with this assertion that young people must be motivated to pursue longer, realistic goals as this is the one which will benefit them long-lastingly.

To begin, People by being motivated to achieve a elongated goals will be continuously molded and will learn hard-tackling lessons all through their path of perseverance. whereas, people who achieved immediate fate would have not covered the bevy of problems that may cause in harm in their future. Let us consider a famous cinema celebrity De Caprio for instance, He have achieved this feat not because of his one fluke hit movie but because of his perseverance to became an all rounded, hard working actor who has been working around more than 15 years in cinema. He has toiled throughout his carrier and had learned meaning full success and failures which taught him what he should
and should not do. It is sure that he will be in fame forever until the Industry goes down. Whereas on the other side have a look at some youtube famous personalities. They might have become famous for their one amusing video although it seems very entertaining and interesting, people will sure forget the face and the channel as soon as those people stops uploading the video. He has continuously work hard, long and consistently post videos which should amuse in the same if not a higher extent to reside as youtube celebrity.

Some may argue by saying that one would not wait and endure for a longer time-lapse for becoming famous since, there are other shorter path for becoming famous. I would counter this statement by saying that "Any long lasting and straight hard worker will triumph the shorter and undisciplined ones". Not only the shorter one will lose fame as quick as they have achieved this feat but at sometime they might experience side effects as well. Let us consider body builders for instance. There are many ways in which a person could achieve the perfect body shape: One might go through a workout routine of hours and hours for years. whereas the other could indulge in intensive supplements with not so much workouts to achieve the same state. Some recently conducted research show that people who intake supplements runs the risk of nerve, bone weakness knee-joint, and even heart problems. This shows that it is not beneficial and good at all, for the young to pursue short-terms fame and recognition as they run the risk of rewards of side effects.

In essence, young people should always be pursue long-term and practical goals in order to achieve a fame that will withhold forever with them. The above example illustrates us that people by following shorter and immediate fame will fall into the traps of harm and will not gain a competency that will not be handy in keeping their fame to them. Thus it seems logical enough that perseverance and a pragmatic path will fetches us the superfluous fruit of fame.

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