IELTS essay Zoos are sometimes seen as necessary but poor alternative to a natural environment Is it necessary to keep animals in zoos

Zoos have been the centres of amusing and education about animals for centuries as the containment animals in zoos have become a controversial issue among environmentalists. While some argue that confining animals in cages is both necessary and healthy, others refute it. This essay will discuss why to restrict animals in cages can be unfavourable, but why this action helps them to Survive.
Proponents of this idea that animals have the right to freedom just like humans have been increasing. Indeed, they believe that animals should behave according to their instinct and maintenance them in zoos is harmful to their health as well as sometimes lead them to be depressing. For instance, the results of an investigation on the behaviour of animals show that animals who live in restriction are less happy rather than their free congeners; they sit in a place calmly without any movement, and they lose their appetite as they seem depression. For these reasons, some claim that the practice of keeping animals in zoos is an unethical activity.
On the contrary, many believe keeping animals in a zoo is reasonable since this is a way to save many species from the danger of extinct. For example, the London zoo has excellent breeding programs to reproduce and protection the rare kinds of animals. Hence, conservation of animals has provided a rational reason to limit them in zoos.
The maintenance animals in zoos was always a challenging issue. This essay considered although animals in zoos can be uncomfortable, but why this act is necessary to provide a safe environment to prevent them from the verge of extinction. After looking at both side of this argument, it is felt that keeping animals in zoos superior despite some disadvantages is there.

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