Some people think that large impressive buildings are important for city Others believe that the money should be spent on improving schools and hospitals Discuss both these views and give your own opinion

This is a commonly held belief that extensive and spectacular buildings play an important role in cities. However, some assert that these expenditures should use in other crucial projects such as improving schools and hospitals. Admittedly, I believe that impressive building advantages are by no means negligible.
To begin with, the most rational justification is that initial social need revolves around issues such as education and treatment that are relevant to hospitals and schools. To put it differently, if a community suffers from a lack of institutions and hospitals, breathtaking buildings could not be valuable for its people. Take a city that has an incredibly great structure but poor public systems. It has unhappy people who always complain about their government because of facilities shortage. This in turn will alter the appearance of a city from other aspects. The high rate of illiteracy, unhappy people, high illnesses and even death rates, all and all lead to an unpleasant area.
Yet another compelling argument is that good-looking buildings are extremely rewarding. Simply put, they change the view of a city and add beauty to it. The architecture and structure of an area represent its identity and are as important as improving other public services such as schools or hospitals. Moreover, these kinds of areas have a crucial impression on the tourism industry and attract visitors from all over the world. Its extensive benefits that accrue to economic could not be ignored. Take Italy that is a historical country with vitally attractive architecture as an example. More and more people every year travel to this country to visit its buildings.
To sum up, considering the point discussed above, the most rational conclusion to be drawn is that attractive buildings in a city could be rewarding if the government have regular and consistent programs. It should allocate an appropriate budget for every service and not focus on a particular project.

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