The tables below give information about the amount of beer and fruit juice consumed per person per year in different countries Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The tables illustrate the amount of beer and fruit juice per person per year for countries around the world. The number of drinks is measured in litres.
According to the first table, beer is the most popular drink in Ireland, as its amount is 155 litres per person per year. Germany ranks second with 119 litres. In fact, first six countries in rating are European. Australia and United States come next in 7 and 8 positions and the list is finished with Netherlands and Finland, where people drink only about 80 litres per year per person.
It is observed that the amount of juice consumed worldwide is in general less than of beer. Canada ranks first in that list with approximately 53 litres. The second position is taken by the United States, where people drink roughly 10 litres less than in Canada per year. Furthermore, New Zealand has the lowest amount of juice – only about 25 litres, which is twice as low as in Canada.
To conclude, it can be seen that beer is much more popular drink over the world than fruit juice.

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