The bar chart below shows the number of men and women studying engineering at Australian universities

The bar chart elucidates the quantity of people who had an estemmed learning about the engineering according to gender at Australian universities.
Overall, the figure of female studying engineering had witnessed a noticeable climb, while the tendency of the quantity of the male student was negatively correlated, however, the number of female engineering student was dwarfed by male
As a deep analysis of the bar chart disclosure, it is explicitly observed that in the 1992, the number of female student began at 2000, before climbing substantially to 4000 in the year 2002 and it experienced a significant rise to 6000 on the last decade.
Giving a shufty on this period, the quantity of male engineering student leveled off 4000 on the last decade, after seeing a modest drop from 14000 to 12000 between 1992 and 2002.

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