The chart below shows how frequently people in the USA ate in fast food restaurants between 2003 and 2013

The bar chart compared the US people consuming fast food in different amounts and periods between 2003 and 2013.
Overall, most people tended to eat fast food once a week, while everyday eaters in all years of period were the smallest group.
The most striking consumers were those who ate once a week and once or twice a month by 35% in 2006 and 2013, respectively, while the lowest group in all ages of the period were the lowest than 5%. They eating fast food several times a week ranked third among which years 2006 with 20% was the highest. In the group of people eating fast food a few times a year, the biggest amount was in 2013 and 2006 with 15%. In the year 2003, the biggest percentage for those who never ate fast food was 5%. In comparison, in the same year, everyday consumers stood first with a bit lower than 5%.

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