The charts below shows the value of one country s exports in various categories during 2015 and 2016 The table shows the percentage change in each category of exports in 2016 compared with 2015 Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main

The chart compares the five goods: Petroleum products, Textiles, Engineered goods, Agriculture, and Gems and Jewellery which one country sold between 2015 and 2016, as well as the table, sheds some light on the percentages.
Overall, the heaviest kind of export was Petroleum products with more than 60 billion in the year, while Textiles ranked last. The difference percentages were lower than one-tenth in all sectors, with the excepting Textiles with near one-sixth.
At first glance at the chart, Engineered goods and Textiles were responsible for the most changes after one year, the difference between the latter being half that of the former, although Petroleum and Agriculture products experienced marginal differences (0.80% and 3%, respectively).
Furthermore, exports for 2016 showed a clear upward trend in all directions from 0.81% to 15.24% (jumped up from 0.3 to 4 billion), although the Gems and Jewellery sector experienced a 5.18% decline (plunged off to near 40 million).

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