The diagram shows the life cycle of the honey bee

The given picture illustrates the life cycle of a Honey bee.
Overall, it can be clearly seen that there are 6 steps in this process, starting with eggs laid from females to the mature honey bee from 34 - 36 days taken.
First of all, females honey bee will lay eggs. These bees will begin life as eggs. Eggs will need an amount of time from 9 to 10 days to hatch and baby honey bees will be born. After 5 to 7 days, baby honey bees grow quickly in size. To the day of 9, these honey bees became bigger than them in the last 2 days.
With a reference to pre-maturity, horizontal stripes begin to emerge in their bodies and this stage, these bees are called young adult. In the next 4 days, they will turn into an adult and participate in the reproduction process to create another generation.

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