C. Past Mistakes

Listening audio
Listening level

C. Past Mistakes.


1. List the proofs given by the officer.
a. You spent
b. You used your
on the day of the
, so we got your car
c. You had been
because you didn't
d. You left your
all over the house.
e. You hid the

2. True or False Questions.
At the beginning Mulligan pretends to be innocent.
The police gets to know the burglary because he finds out Mulligan's suspicious goings-on by accident.
Mulligan believes that if the officer could catch more burglars he would have made a fortune.

Listening answers

C. Past Mistakes.


1. List the proofs given by the officer.
a. You spent
b. You used your
on the day of the
, so we got your car
c. You had been
because you didn't
d. You left your
all over the house.
e. You hid the

2. True or False Questions.
At the beginning Mulligan pretends to be innocent.
The police gets to know the burglary because he finds out Mulligan's suspicious goings-on by accident.
Mulligan believes that if the officer could catch more burglars he would have made a fortune.