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Task 2: Cheese

1. Choose the best answer (a, b or c) to complete each of the following statements.
(1) The passage is about _____________.

a. the history of cheese-making b. cheese-making c. the history of cheese
(2) Cheese ________________. a. was made originally in Europe between 60 BC and 300 AD b. was introduced from South-West Asia 8,000 years ago c. was introduced from France in the nineteenth century
(3) ___________ were great pioneers in the art of cheese-making. a. Romans b. South-West Asians c. Frenchmen in the Roquefort caves
(4) In cheese-making, _________ play an essential role. a. biochemicals b. salt and water c. micro-organisms

2. True or False Questions.
Cheese is one of the most popular foods in daily life.
Early cheese was rather delicious and tasty like fresh cheese.
In order to make cheese stronger in taste and more solid in texture, salt is added to the soft fresh cheese and other biochemical processes are allowed to continue.
Romans spread the techniques for producing cheese to the countries they invaded.
If you keep your milk or pre-cheese mixture at a certain temperature or in a certain environment, things will turn out in a certain way.
In the nineteenth century, people still didn't know much about which micro-organisms were involved in the different stages of producing cheese.
The presence of different micro-organisms affect the taste of cheese.
In terms of final taste, human performance still matters much even though cheese-making processes have become industrialized and developed with technology.

3. Fill in the blanks below according to what you have read about the passage.
(1) The early cheese was probably
(2) "Fresh cheese" is a kind of cheese to be
(3) "Ripened cheese" is a kind of cheese made by adding
and allowing
to continue in the course of cheese-making.
(4) The origin of the English word "cheese" is the
word "
(5) In the
people began to realize the role of different
in producing different types of cheese.
(6) Before the discovery of micro-organisms people kept milk at different
and in various
to make cheeses of different taste.

Listening answers

Task 2: Cheese

1. Choose the best answer (a, b or c) to complete each of the following statements.
(1) The passage is about _____________.

a. the history of cheese-making b. cheese-making c. the history of cheese
(2) Cheese ________________. a. was made originally in Europe between 60 BC and 300 AD b. was introduced from South-West Asia 8,000 years ago c. was introduced from France in the nineteenth century
(3) ___________ were great pioneers in the art of cheese-making. a. Romans b. South-West Asians c. Frenchmen in the Roquefort caves
(4) In cheese-making, _________ play an essential role. a. biochemicals b. salt and water c. micro-organisms

2. True or False Questions.
Cheese is one of the most popular foods in daily life.
Early cheese was rather delicious and tasty like fresh cheese.
In order to make cheese stronger in taste and more solid in texture, salt is added to the soft fresh cheese and other biochemical processes are allowed to continue.
Romans spread the techniques for producing cheese to the countries they invaded.
If you keep your milk or pre-cheese mixture at a certain temperature or in a certain environment, things will turn out in a certain way.
In the nineteenth century, people still didn't know much about which micro-organisms were involved in the different stages of producing cheese.
The presence of different micro-organisms affect the taste of cheese.
In terms of final taste, human performance still matters much even though cheese-making processes have become industrialized and developed with technology.

3. Fill in the blanks below according to what you have read about the passage.
(1) The early cheese was probably
(2) "Fresh cheese" is a kind of cheese to be
(3) "Ripened cheese" is a kind of cheese made by adding
and allowing
to continue in the course of cheese-making.
(4) The origin of the English word "cheese" is the
word "
(5) In the
people began to realize the role of different
in producing different types of cheese.
(6) Before the discovery of micro-organisms people kept milk at different
and in various
to make cheeses of different taste.