Task 2: Hiccups

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Task 2: Hiccups

1. Choose the best answers (a, b or c) for each of the following questions.
(1) How long has he been hiccupping?

a. Four hours. b. Two hours. c. Three hours.
(2) Which of the following remedies for hiccups has the man tried before he called Rosemary? a. Hold the breath. b. Drink water from the other side of a glass. c. Put a coin on the forehead.
(3) What does Rosemary finally suggest? a. She'll give the man five pounds if he hiccups again, and he'll give her five pounds if he doesn't. b. She'll give the man five pounds if he doesn't hiccup again, and he'll give her five pounds if he does. c. She'll owe him five pounds if he hiccups again, and he'll owe her five pounds if he doesn't.
(4) What's the result? a. The man has stopped hiccupping and Rosemary owes him five pounds. b. The man has stopped hiccupping and owes Rosemary five pounds. c. The man is still hiccupping.

2. Identification. Match the suggestions Rosemary has made in Column I with the man's reaction in Column II.
Column I
(1) Hold the breath.
(2) Drink from the other side of a glass
(3) Key down the back of his neck.
(4) Put a coin on the forehead.
(5) Have to be frightened.

Column II
(a) Never heard of that.
(b) Hiccupped in the middle.
(c) Won't be frightened when knowing it beforehand.
(d) Dropping water all over the carpet.
(e) That's for nose bleeding.

Answer: (1)
; (2)
; (3)
; (4)
; (5)

Listening answers

Task 2: Hiccups

1. Choose the best answers (a, b or c) for each of the following questions.
(1) How long has he been hiccupping?

a. Four hours. b. Two hours. c. Three hours.
(2) Which of the following remedies for hiccups has the man tried before he called Rosemary? a. Hold the breath. b. Drink water from the other side of a glass. c. Put a coin on the forehead.
(3) What does Rosemary finally suggest? a. She'll give the man five pounds if he hiccups again, and he'll give her five pounds if he doesn't. b. She'll give the man five pounds if he doesn't hiccup again, and he'll give her five pounds if he does. c. She'll owe him five pounds if he hiccups again, and he'll owe her five pounds if he doesn't.
(4) What's the result? a. The man has stopped hiccupping and Rosemary owes him five pounds. b. The man has stopped hiccupping and owes Rosemary five pounds. c. The man is still hiccupping.

2. Identification. Match the suggestions Rosemary has made in Column I with the man's reaction in Column II.
Column I
(1) Hold the breath.
(2) Drink from the other side of a glass
(3) Key down the back of his neck.
(4) Put a coin on the forehead.
(5) Have to be frightened.

Column II
(a) Never heard of that.
(b) Hiccupped in the middle.
(c) Won't be frightened when knowing it beforehand.
(d) Dropping water all over the carpet.
(e) That's for nose bleeding.

Answer: (1
; (2
; (3
; (4
; (5)