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Part II
300 (the second at) describe a competition that you took part should saywhat kind of competition it was andhow you found out about itwhat the prizes wereand explain why you chose to take part in this competition.
1422 Describe your favourite film or television programme.You should say: when you watch it who is in it what happens in itand explain why you particularly like it
646 describe a person you know who is kind you should say who it is how you know this person what sort of person he she is and explain why you think they are kind
210 describe something you don't have how but would really like to own in the should say-what this thing ishow long you have wanted to own itwhere you first saw itand explain why you would like to own it
1432 Describe a positive change in your life.You should say:when it happenedwhere it happenedwhat the change wasand explain how you have benefited from this change.
1654 Describe a picnic or meal that you ate outdoors.You should sayWhere you had this mealWho was with youWhat you ate and drankAnd explain why you enjoyed this picnic or outdoor meal.
Describe your favorite restaurant
1749 describe a music video or a concert that has made an impression on you you should say which kind of music it was and who performed it what it was like musically what it was like visually and explain why you liked or disliked it
Describe a sport you like
Describe a TV documentary you watched that was particularly interesting what was it about why did you decide to watch it what did you learn during watching the documentary