task 3

Speaking topics in text

task 3

Why isn't recycling mandatory on campus?

How does an Ivy League educational institute, such as U of C get away with being so nonchalant about recycling? After a recent search across campus, volunteers from the U of C Environmental Watch group counted only 10 recycling bins. In comparison, the students counted 30 vending machines, the majority of which carry plastics, cans, and glass bottles. Only one paper recycling bin was found. This means that almost all of the paper that is discarded on campus, including U of C residences, is being disposed of in the regular garbage. When asked why no recycling bins for paper have been placed on campus, U of C president, James Wicker, explained that the company the university employs to pick up recycling does not currently recycle paper. When asked why another company is not used, Wicker cited university finances as an obstacle.

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