02 July 2008
Colombian officials say they have rescued 15 hostages held by leftistrebels, including a former presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt andthree U.S. defense contractors. VOA's Brian Wagner has this report fromMiami.
The governments of France and Venezuela recentlylaunched new efforts to negotiate with rebels for the release ofBetancourt and other high-profile hostages. This year, Venezuela'sPresident Hugo Chavez helped win the release of six Colombianpoliticians, including former vice presidential candidate Clara Rojas,who was seized along with Betancourt.
Betancourt and the threeAmericans were among some 40 high-profile hostages the rebels wereholding in an effort to negotiate a prisoner exchange with Colombia'sgovernment.
President Bush called Mr. Uribe to congratulate him.
Florida International University professor Eduardo Gamarra says the rescue operation is major blow to the leftist group.
"Itdemonstrates two things," said Eduardo Gamarra. "One that the FARCappears to be really in a state of disarray, and two it reflects thedegree of preparation and intensity the Colombian government has putinto this."
U.S. defense officials say the Colombians "planned,led and executed" the rescue, but the United States helped transportthe freed hostages to Bogota after the operation.
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