Iraqi Troops Prepare for Next Stage of Amarah Offensive

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17 June 2008

Iraqi government forces are preparing for the next phase of a plannedcrackdown on militants and outlaws in the capital of southeasternIraq's Maysan province. VOA's Suzanne Presto reports from the northerncity of Irbil.

The commander of military operations in Maysan,Tarik Abdul Wahab, met with local tribal and religious leaders in theprovincial capital Amarah on Tuesday. Wahab informed them about thenext phase of the military operation in the city, which is set to beginin earnest on June 19.

The commander told Iraqi statetelevision, al-Iraqiya, that he explained the dangers that civilianscould face, as well as ways to minimize those dangers. He said theleaders, especially the imams, asked many questions on behalf ofAmarah's citizens. Commander Wahab added that the religious leaderswill go to back the mosques and explain the security measures andoperation to the public.  

The military announced the operationseveral days ago.  Helicopters dropped leaflets across Amarah onSaturday, urging residents to remain in their homes and not tointerfere with the operation. Late Sunday, Prime Minister Nourial-Maliki issued a statement giving militants until June 18 tosurrender their medium and heavy weapons in exchange for money.

Amarah borders Iran, and it is believed to be a major region for weapons smuggling.

Aspokesman for Iraq's Interior Ministry, Abdul Kareem Khalaf, praisedMr. Maliki's decision to order the operation. He said the citizens ofMaysan had been waiting a long time for the military to take actionagainst outlaws in the region.  

An Islamic imam who was presentat the military commander's briefing told al-Iraqiya that the upcomingoperation is needed in order to save lives. He added that thecity's leaders support this mission that targets outlaws, and that theIraqi forces will need the cooperation of Amarah's citizens.

Maysanis a majority Shi'ite province. Officials say Amarah is a strongholdfor anti-American cleric Moqtada al-Sadr and his Mahdi Army militia. Sadr has said his followers will not resist the government troops.

Inrecent months, the Iraqi army has staged similar offensives inBaghdad's Sadr City, Basra and Mosul in an effort to clear the citiesof militants and to improve stability in the country.