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Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt
16 July 2009
Non-Aligned Movement Leaders have wrapped up a summit in Egypt by outlining their visions for the future of the group. More than 50 heads of state outlined met for two days at the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh.
The final session of the Non-Aligned Movement Summit was a day of summarizing and looking to the future by the dozens of world leaders gathered in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak noted the Non-Aligned Movement is" alive and well".
He says the summit shows the movement's importance as a conscience for humanity, embodying the goals of peace, justice, security and an honorable life. He says the summit discussed issues of peace and development and the yearning of our peoples for a better future in a more just and secure world, where poverty and racism are banished ... He said we must now work hand in hand to achieve our goals, together.
Leaders representing each continent described their views of global challenges.
The King of Swaziland, Mswati III, spoke for Africa.
"Most of the challenges we face as nations [revolve] around the state of our economies," King Mswati III said. "Clearly, we need to put more effort into boosting our economies, because when we grow the economy, we also address issues of poverty. The time has come for developing nations to adopt a common strategy, generate ideas, share experiences and speak with one voice, when we approach international finance institutions for funding our projects?
Malaysian Prime Minister Mohamed Najib Bin Abdul Razak focused on the history of the Non-Aligned Movement.
"The genesis of the non-aligned movement can be traced back to Asia, the birthplace of the Bandung principles of 1955, which served as the eternal raison-d'etre foundation of our movement. Asian countries ... which represent almost two-thirds of the global populace, having stood behind [the Non-Aligned Movement] since its inception ..." Mr. Najib said.
Belarus Foreign Minister Sergei Martynov, the only European member of the Non-Aligned Movement, noted the world is no longer caught in the divisive logic of the Cold War, which brought about formation of the group.
"The countries of [the Non-Aligned Movement] are no longer caught between the two political and military fires ... We and the world are way past simplistic division lines," Martynov said. "Now, the very logic of history calls for [the Non-Aligned Movement] to step in and lead the way ... We believe that one day, we will witness a transition from the Non-Aligned Movement to the non-aligned world ... the world non-aligned with violence, intimidation, fear, bigotry, haughtiness, intolerance and hypocrisy."
Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki thanked leaders of the movement for expressing sympathy after Wednesday's tragic plane crash near the Iranian city of Qazvin, and invited them to the next summit in 2012, to be held in Tehran.
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