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02 June 2009
Brazilian aircraft searching for an Air France jet that disappeared with 228 people onboard in an Atlantic storm have spotted debris in the ocean.
On the second day of the search, Brazilian military pilots have spotted what is thought to be debris from the Air France plane. Among the objects observed, an airplane seat, a life jacket, pieces of metal and an oil slick.
The floating material was located in two areas roughly 60 kilometers apart, about 650 kilometers off the northeast coast of Brazil. Importantly, it is along the path taken by flight 447.
Brazilian naval vessels are expected to arrive on the scene Wednesday. Confirmation that the debris came from the Airbus 330 cannot be made until some of the material is retrieved and positive identification is made.
Of particular interest for the searchers will be the so-called black box flight and data recorders, but the ocean is very deep at the remote location. The devices are programmed to emit signals for up to a month.
Meanwhile at Charles de Gaulle airport outside of Paris, the grieving continues.
Everywhere you go, the tragedy has shocked the nation. "It is a disaster," said one person. "Because, for friends all over the world I mean, it is ... What can we say ... I have no words actually. For families and all the staff and stuff, it is very horrible. That is all I can say."
The sad sentiments felt on the streets of Paris are echoed by the man who runs Air France, Pierre-Henri Gourgeon.
"This catastrophe is also a catastrophe for Air France people and all the Air France community is now at work to share with the families of the victims what they have to suffer and to bring to them everything we can financially, emotively, to help and to be with them in this terrible occurrence," he said.
Those on board came from 32 countries.
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