Washington, DC
04 July 2008
Tanzania has created an Emergency Preparedness and ResponsePlan to deal with avian flu. The plan is supported by the country鈥檚 developmentpartners, such as the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
MichaelMwasekaga is the avian influenza coordinator for CDC Tanzania. He told VOAEnglish to Africa reporter Douglas Mpuga that avian flu is a serious threat,with 11 African countries reporting the disease in animals and three countries鈥?Nigeria, Djibouti and Egypt 鈥?reporting it in humans.
Mwasekagasaid while Tanzania is not yet affected, the disease could easily be spreadthrough trade and tourism and by migratory wild birds from infected areas ofEast Asia. He said, 鈥淚ntroduction and spread of avian flu is a serious threatto Tanzania socially, economically and health wise because of its impact onfood safety and security.鈥?
Hesaid bird flu could ruin the lives of the rural poor who depend on chickensales for their livelihood. 鈥淏ut more so because the disease could havedevastating effect to people who are already suffering from HIV/AIDS and couldoverburden the health system that is trying to cope with other, more commondiseases like malaria, tuberculosis and others.鈥?br>
Mwasekaganoted that the US government, through the CDC and the US Agency forInternational Development (USAID), is working closely with Tanzania鈥檚 Ministryof Livestock Development and the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. He saidpart of this cooperation involves US government support for the strengtheningof avian flu testing capabilities in both animals and humans by equipping theCenter of Veterinary Laboratory and the National Influenza Center.
Mwasekagasaid the US government has awarded a four-year grant worth US $ 800,000 toTanzania鈥檚 Ministry of Health and Social Welfare for the surveillance anddetection of avian flu.
TheUS government is also supporting training on preparedness and rapid response.Mwasekaga said, 鈥淲e support the strengthening of coordination mechanism at thenational level through the National Influenza Multisectoral Taskforce EmergencyPreparedness and Response Plan. I think the goal here is to build localcapacity over time.鈥?
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