Which city in the world would you like to Visit Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice

Speaking recording
Average: 7.3 (4 votes)
Speaking category
Speakings by user divjais186 :


There are surely some reasons over there. Your level should be around 26-27.

Can you try to figure out why you only get 23 in 30?

1. You talked something out of topic for Q1 and Q2?

2. Not well organized for the speakings in Q3-Q6?

3. Lost your mind in one of the question?

4. Nervous and can't speak fluently?

5. or any other reasons?

Let us know, we will help you.

As far as I remember I didn't speak out of topic but in question 4 and 6 I took many notes and tried to speak all and time got finished. I had one question if question ask like give explain two examples given in narrative should we ignore totally the reading part. I tried to speak definition and felt lack of time in explaining second example.

So your problem is '2. Not well organized for the speakings in Q3-Q6?'.

Speaking is like essay writing, it has introduction, body 1 and body 2:

1. introduction - about 15 -20 seconds - here you talk about the main idea. (Talk a little bit about the reading part if necessary but briefly).

2. body 1 - talking about the first example (or definition 1 or sub-topic 1) - about 20 seconds

3. body 2 - talking about the second example (or definition 2 or sub-topic 2) - about 20 seconds