In many countries it is now illegal to smoke in public places It is only fair that people who wish to smoke should have to leave the building Do you agree or disagree

Over the past decades there has been a huge push around the country to ban smoking. Bolstered by scientific and medical evidence linking smoke to severe diseases, governments have prohibited smoking in public spaces. Consequently, people who still do not want to give up this harmful habit, are allowed to smoke only outside. This essay will revolve around the effectiveness of this widespread legislation after analyzing briefly the risks connected to smoking.

Just as necessary as prohibiting smokes is understanding the connection between cigarettes and health. The publications dealing with the detrimental effects of smoking on our organism are countless. Solid links have been found between tobacco consumption and serious medical conditions, like cardiovascular problems, diabetes, hypertension, and stroke. In the light of the fact the expense incurred to deliver proper treatment is astronomical, governments have gradually taken actions to tackle the problem. Banning smoking in public spaces like bars, restaurants, and railway stations has been the first step. Passive smoking represents a threat as dangerous as smoking itself and those who pay the toll are children, pregnant, and ill seniors. The aim of banning smoke in public places is therefore to protect actually those who cannot defend themselves against substances that increase the risk of developing lung cancer beside the diseases mentioned above.

To mention is the fact that smoking is not prohibited. The basic goal of this restriction is to save life and to reduce the detrimental effects of smoking. Those who want to continue to smoke are only requested to do it outside where air circulation can disperse smoke. From my point of view is therefore completely sensitive to ban smoking in public spaces, since this practice represent an offense against people who are not interested in ruining their own health and wasting money in cigarettes.

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