If there are any questions related to testbig site, kindly post your comments here, we will get back to you as soon as possible, Thank you!
Thanks for the messages…
Thank you for the message. Topics on academic discussion task of TOEFL will be graded in 24 hours from new year (2024).
Hi, I am not seeing the e…
Hi, I am not seeing the e-grader comment on my essays. I have tried submitting 3 times. Could you help me see where I am going wrong? Thanks.
Sorry about that, you did…
Sorry about that, you did nothing wrong. Most likely there are some special characters in the content that e-grader can't understand. If no comments after one submission, simply leave the essays there, another e-grader will try to check them out in 24 hours. Thank you.
testbig support team is…
testbig support team is always available. Leave the questions here if you need any help. Thanks.
Hello, I would like to ask…
Hello, I would like to ask if there is any way to delete my ID.
Dear Website Administrator…
Dear Website Administrator
This email is to formally request the removal of a backlink from testbig.com website
I need as soon is possible to remove our backlink (plumbingheatingcoolingnj) from this page
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Please remove this link because it is negatively affecting the business website.
We understand that you may have many requests, but we kindly request that you consider this request and remove the backlink as soon as possible.
Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.
Hi there ,
How can I get my answer graded on a topic of academic discussion task on your site?
sincerely ;AMIR