The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones

Teaching by praising someone’s good performance and not pointing out the flaws, is thought to be a better way of teaching. Although, this might be true in some cases but does not apply in general. I strongly disagree with the statement above for two reason.
Firstly, criticism is regarded as a tool for improvement. In fact, criticism that is taken constructively has proven to enhance abilities. For instance, a student who keeps making mistakes while in classroom or fighting in school’s corridor with their fellow students, if neglected, can get accustomed to those wrongdoings and assume those errors to be insignificant that may at a later stage lead him to a downfall in life or maybe prison. Thus, negativity, if caught at the right moment and corrected, can act as guidance to the right path.
Similarly, negative actions can affect lives too. Let’s assume a surgeon who begins his practice by losing a life on the table because of some negligence. If not told what they did wrong, they might continue to do something like that which will affect both the patient’s life as well as cost the surgeon his license. The surgeon needs to be informed of his actions and needs to admit his faults to become a better doctor.
Although, lauding someone’s positive actions results in boosting their performances. But, sometimes people take the galvanizing too seriously that can elevate there confidence to when it changes to over-confidence which needs to be controlled. So, acclaiming someone’s credibility is not the best way to teach, one needs criticism every now and then to walk on a straight path to success and a better life.

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