Claim It is no longer possible for a society to regard any living man or woman as a hero Reason The reputation of anyone who is subjected to media scrutiny will eventually be diminished

Hero plays a critical roles in societies because they could be a symbol, and people tend to admire a person with phenomenal skills and talents. There is much debate on the topic about is it possible for a society to regard any living man or woman as a hero. As far as I'm concerned, I mostly disagree with the argument because any group in the world requires a symbolic person to speak out, and some talented people becomes extremely popular and become a hero. My reasons are as follows.

First of all, most social campaigns or political groups deem a living person as a hero because it is easier for them to shape the identity and promote their thoughts through the hero. This hero plays an important role to convey the pith of the groups. For example, Ms. Sandberg is one of the most prestigious environmentalist in the world. She has criticized a large number of conservation and pollution topics. She also plays an critical role in the environmental groups by conveying her ideas in front of the public. As a result, she is one of living person who is regarded as a hero in environmental topics.

What is more, as the social media becomes more and more prevalent, those people who have astonishing talents would be popular in a society, and they would be treated as a hero because their abilities attracts people, especially among teenagers. For instance, many people share their performance in music on Instagram, Youtube, or other social media. Thanks to the spread of the Internet, their performance could be seen almost in the entire world. If these people's content of performance is astonishing, others would imitate this performance and start to treat the talent people as heroes. Hence, it is possible for the current society to think a living person as a hero if their talents could be widely noticed, and attracts people.

Nevertheless, some people may argue that there is no living person can be deemed as a hero in some scenarios, especially societies that think equality is extremely essential. Indeed, even a president or a leader of a country could not be regarded as a hero, and he or she could be censured by the public. This scenario particularly occurs in the opponents to the living person.

To sum up, I mostly disagree the argument that any living man or woman is not possible to be think as a hero. Because most groups in societies still need a person as their virtue to advocate their ideas, and other talented people could be noticed, become popular, and be admired by others. However, the idea is not always true, for a person is elected as a president or leader in a society, he or she might not be deemed as a hero form their opponent. As a result, it depends on how people think the person.

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