The following appeared in a letter to the editor of the Balmer Island Gazette On Balmer Island where mopeds serve as a popular form of transportation the population increases to 100 000 during the summer months To reduce the number of accidents involving

The cynosure of statement is to decrease the capacity of renting mopeds, to reduce the accidents involving mopeds and pedestrians. The proposed suggestion is based on analysis of poplution increase during summer season. To bolster the suggestion we are provided with an example of Seaville's town where similar limits we implemented. At first glance, the statement seems likely to favor the limits on moped but on in-depth analysis, we can find assumptions that were made.
In the initial statement, where we have statistics on the poplution increase to 100,000 during the summer season, it is stated that mopeds are poplular form of transportation. But, we need data on the whether the population increase mainly consists of tourists who are there too visit Balmer Island for temporary time. It could be a probability that due to economical mopeds they are preferred more. This data will enable us to analyze if the revenue generated for moped businness owners will be impacted on deducting the limit from 50 per day to 25 per day.
Moreover, we need data on the people who are involved in moped and pedestrian accidents. There is a probability of kids playing and randomly striking mopeds. Thus it would be necessary to introduce kids safety measures rather than reducing mopeds.
Also, we need to understand the infrastructure of Balmer Island. Probably they might not have separate sections for people who are on mopeds or are pedestrians. If separate paths are made, the accidents could be avaided without impacting the revenue of business owners of mopeds.
Another example used in statement is of town Seaville. In this case, we are not provided with data on the populations of seaville or the popular transport used there. There can be a case where mopeds are not popular mode of transport thus it will not impact the tourists of citizen's sale directly thus not impacting their breads. Moreover, the sales of mopeds in Seaville might already be 20-25 per day thus even reducing the limit of moped seemed feasible.
Shedding spotlight on accidents in Balmer Island, the people who encounter in accidents might need safety gears which might not be compulsory thus the implementatiion of reducing moped limit seems fallacious.
The the answers on the type of population increase( whether they are citizens or tourists), number of accidents and reasons of accidents(using safety gears, kids playing, using gadgets, etc), infrastructure of Balmer Island (separate walking space), Information on Seaville(Popular transport used) are vital for us to set to a concusion on authenticity of the suggestion provided to the editor in the letter.

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