Governments should place few if any restrictions on scientific research and development

Humans are progressing each moment, whether you say in terms of logic or development, and major credit goes to scientific research and development on various field. Restriction on scientific research and development might sound not logical; which is correct to most extent, however, placing few restrictions can be more useful and logical than placing no restrictions at all.
It is obvious that many of disasters are being caused by failure of scientific experiment or as bi-product of scientific experiment or research itself. ‘Bhopal disaster’ is one of many examples that clearly demonstrate the degree of harm that scientific experiment can possess. Also, many of experiments possess harm to human health as well; causing various diseases and illness. Restriction on scientific experiments can help to prevent such disasters and health hazards.
Scientific experiment as well as some research do harm environment as well as exploit natural resources. The chemicals or energy released from the experiments cause pollution of environment and disturbs the life that the environment contains. For example, gas released from rockets, sent for astronomical research purpose, deplete ozone layer vastly. Also, to obtain resources required to conduct scientific experiments, most of the natural-resource sites are being exploited. Restriction on such scientific experiments can be useful to avoid pollution and preserve the environment.
However, it cannot be denied that the pace of development will get slowed or in some cases might get ceased too- since, generally development is proportional to the number of successful scientific experiments and research. The more research, the more knowledge of the subject and the more ways we can use that knowledge for human progress. Restricting research will definitely restrict most of the possible outcomes that might be useful hence restricting knowledge.
Hence, considering the advantages as well as disadvantages of the government restriction on scientific experiments and researches, I would agree to most extent that this will be more beneficial.

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