Learning is primarily a matter of personal discipline students cannot be motivated by school or college alone

Discipline his hardest achievement for a person, especially today when we face temptation everywhere, on our smartphone, computers, television. It is getting harder for a student to gain discipline. The prompt recommends that students learning is wholly associated with discipline and not school, nor college alone cannot motivate them. In my opinion, strongy agree with that statement, I will argue that students might get enough motivation from educational institutions for two reasons.
First of all, in order for student to manage to study enough materials for exam and, most importantly, to become professional in his or her field, he or she needs to have high discipline, to study and not get distracted from other things. Teachers and educational institutions can only give students a direction what to study and which field can he or she follow, but in order to follow this field student should decide personally, he or she needs to adapt discipline to achieve the goal. For instance, in ancient times where there were no schools and colleges people were still making and inventing things, they were developing themselves by self-discipline and not by motivation from their schools.
On the other hand, there are famous and very successful people who were dropped out of universities or didn’t even go to school, but they still achieved their goals in life, because they had discipline which led to success. For example, Mark Zukerberg was dropped out from Harvard university, but still because of his discipline and hard work, he mad one of most successful and profitable social network. Bill Gates Is another example, he didn’t finish university, still he became one of the richest men on the planet, that’s because his goals and dreams were achieved by discipline and not by motivation from university. If he was motivated by his lecturers, we would have Microsoft and such development in computer field.
In conclusion, of course, some argue that motivation from school can have big effect on students performance, but in these case student become, or at least tries to become his motivator, in this case nothing changes, people don’t develop, in order for world to become better place, we need self-disciplined people who achieve much more than others have, learning and developing is matter of personal discipline.

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