People s behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take In developing and supporting

Humans are very plastic beings. Their actions can be influenced by their surroundings or people they are associated with. In this prompt it is mentioned that the people’s behaviour is largely determined by the forces and not of their own making. I mostly agree on this mainly due to the following reasons.

Firstl of all, In case of the entertainment industry, many actors have to display a bellying image to their followers. This is mainly due to the fact that the followers blindly idolize their favourite actor. And in todays world peoples mind and easily swayed with any critisizing quality that’s comes to the light. For instance, Princess Diana, was liked and respected by everyone in her country. But, once her affairs and scandals came into the picture, the public started criticizing her. This is the reason why Actors and Actresses have to present a fake image in front of others to keep them happy and behave in a way that is accepted by others.

This trend is common in politics as well. Many a times political leaders have to take decisions and behave in a way that is appropriate for the situation despite the decisions being unethical. For instance, The former president of US Harry Truman was reluctant to give orders to launch atomic bomb on Japan , but due to the public pressure and force from military he had to give green lights to the decision. He knew that doing so was unethical and even against his morals but the outside forces persuaded him into making the decision which he might not have taken otherwise.

Similar example can be found in the field of science as well. The scientists during the world war were not involved in war related activities but dur to political pressure and worsening situations they were forced to introduce nuclear weapons to this war. J Robert Oppenhimer, was brilliant physicist and was religious, he had deciphered Bhagwat gita by his own. But, was forced to take part in development of the first Atomic bomb. This was all due to the rising tensions between Germany and United states of America and persuasiveness of the US government.
Secondly, Society plays a determining role in this as well: In the ancient time public lynching of people for severe crimes was considered acceptable. But, now as the society has progressed this practice is considered to be gruesome and inhuman. This is a good example of how the behavior of humans have been affected by other forces that is public opinion in this case. Furthermore this kind of influence on once behavior can be seen in the characterisitic of a growing child as well. If the parents are living in a harmony and not quarreling, arguing everyday then the child is most likely to be plesant and not hostile in the future.

In conclusion, I agree that a persons behavior is mostly influenced by external forces that are not of their own making.

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