Economic progress is often used to measure a country s success However some people believe that other factors are more important What other factors should also be considered when measuring a country s success Do you think one factor is more important than

Economic progress plays a vital role in the development of the country. Some people believe economic factors alone are sufficient for a nation to be called as a successful one. However, Other's opine that there are also other factors which constitutes towards the country to be called it as a successful country. In my opinion, social factors are also important for a country to be called as a successful one.

To begin with, social factors like free education, basic necessities and better health services also contribute towards the success of the economy. Of all the fore said factors, the one which is important according to me is basic necessities which comprises food, shelter and clothing. Every citizen has the right to attain the basic necessities. Free education must be provided for the children upto 6 years of age. Better health services must be provided to all the people. The fee charged must be minimal.

Globalization has brought many changes to the technological development. Firstly, robots have been replaced with humans. Secondly, with this implementation people are able to save more time and effort. Lastly, the business are expanding globally.

To conclude, not only economic/monetary progress is important but also social factors also has to be taken into consideration for a country to be called out as a successful one.

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