The graphs below show the number of men and women in full and part time employment in Australia between 1973 and 1993 Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below

In 1973 and 1993, there was a difference between the number of males and females in full-time and part-time employment in Australia. Overall, both males and females declined in the scales of productivity in the ages of 65 and above except for the part-time male worker in 1973.
In 1973 and 1993, the productivity scales of males in full-time jobs were different but has a similar pattern. The number rose by almost 90% in the ages of 20-25, but it declined by the ages above 65 by 20% or even below. Unfortunately, the males in 1973 were more productive than in 1993, because it was proved by the age’s percentage from 15 until 65+, the percentages were higher in 1973 rather in 1993. On the other hand, the females’ full-time jobs stayed at a peak in both years by the ages of 20-25 with 55%, but the number of full-time females in 1973 fell rapidly to 28%. It happened also in 1993, there was a decline in productivity to 35%. Then, in 1993 the productivity scales had risen steadily by the age of 40-45 with 45%. That situation was a contrast in 1973, the scale had increased in a normal way to 35% by the ages of 45-49. Unfortunately, both of the years had fallen significantly and also tangent each other until the ages 65+.
In part-time scales between males and females in both years, on average, the employer in 1993 was more productive. In 1993, the percentages of males between the ages of 15-19 were bigger with almost 25% rather than in 1973 only 7%. Unfortunately, their productivity had fallen by the ages 40-45, but the scales increased steadily until the ages of 60-65. Then, it decreased by the ages above 65+. In 1973, the productivity scales had increased gradually until the age of 65+. On the other hand, the female part-time employer had risen to peak at the ages of 35-39 by almost 35%, but it decreased gradually until the age of 65+. On the other hand, in 1973 the productivity ages were 40-45 with 20%, but it was fallen gradually by the ages of 65+.

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