Modern societies need specialists in certain fields but not others Some people therefore think that governments should pay university fees for students who study subjects that are needed by society Those who choose to study less relevant subjects should n

Today we face new challenges that it is related certain fields. Some personals think government should pay university students that study in necessary subjects. While there opponents of this, I assert that its outcomes are more likely to be positive.
On the one hand, there more beneficial aspects. Firstly, the students who conducting research need more money for new technologies. Their discoveries can improve our way of life. For instance renewable resources did not created, and it needed new experienced specialists. Another concern is that if the government allocates grants to the required sectors, competition for this grant will increase. As a result it can lead experienced staff, and of course productivity can grow. Another benefit would be the acceleration of civilization. In addition news will be made when all talented and well educated people come together. The government may pay fees to students for this advantages.
On the other hand, there are some adverse impacts of these efforts. First and foremost, it is required a lot of money which could have been spent on other good deeds. In fact that not all of the money spent is effective, may be it is waste. Further more, for this reason another fields may stop the evolution. Because there have not money for who discover something for society and this may cause no one to study this subject. Finally, if some students do not take money for their study, then stratification will be among universities.
In conclusion, no doubt there are few problem can arise for students, who study not important subjects. But its advantages will happy government.

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