In the past most people lived in small villages where everyone knew everyone else Nowadays most people live in large cities where they only know a few people in their area What do you think were the advantages and disadvantages of living in a small commun

In this contemporary era, where plenty of earning as well as learning opportunities are emerging out in the cities, needy folks tend to migrate to big cities where they again witness urbanisation and live in 2/3 rooms apartment lacking neighbouring interactions. Few decades ago before industrilization, however, pupils were satisfyingly working in their farms, living in small village, with lots of neighbouring interactions so that they knew everyone from the village, unlike city folks. This essays will discuss pros and construction of this trend.
Talking about one obviously important merit, individuals can access job and higher educational resources in the towns. Nevertheless, hey have to sacrifice their free life and have to become anti-social creatures. Gambling about the example, my uncle, who was one of the most social and entertaining member of our family, moved to another big city for their job transfer along with education of child. The ramifications was, within 6 months they tend to become very anti-social because he was with the nine hours of office work so one he left the house at 7:00 am, he was returning directly by 7pm. That is why he was not known very much of his neighbours.
Additionally, one get more advance companions while living in cities. As a repercussion, people alleviate their connections with their used to be beloved villages leaving small villages on the verge of aridness. For example, my uncle who moved to the another city, he claimed that he was not the one who left their village for earning money. Once one family member migrates to the cities, automatically whole family moves into that city due to 24 hour electricity, clean water, smooth roads and so on.
Overall, little by little, a section of society which permenantly migrates to the big cities for any reason, is becoming anti-social along with the self-centeredness germinating into their brain.

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