In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this

For jumping from a platform to another one you need power. However, this is not the only thing you need for jumping and it is necessary to have a great motivation and initial momentum at the beginning. In my opinion advantages of traveling are more than working for gaining this momentum.

Young children start their school from their childhood and continue their study in order to get admitted to university for occupying a job position for their future life. Unfortunately, in majority of times it is boring for them. Sometimes, they scape from their daily study duties but they should always answer their parent worries about quality of their studies and it is stressful for them. Taking a break between high school ending and university beginning can be very beneficial and it can tremendously increase student efficiencies in university and motivate them too. They will be able to release their daily stresses and make their mind free for thinking about new ideas. For example, having an organized group trip causes to learn group working and it is highly recommended because they will learn team working and they will prepare themselves for entering to universities. In some cases it is recommended to send them learning a new craft for their break times and it is highly recommended too.

The most important issue in sending students for gaining some experiences in workplaces is that it should be suitable for their ages and it should not be a kind of work that frighten them and spoil their self-confidence and self-esteem too. The work should motivate them and should cause their mind clear and free in order to make them ready for entering universities. But, if it is a kind of work that suppresses them or a boring work it can be harmful.

At the end, filling this gap by traveling or work can be very beneficial and help them to improve themselves. However, either work or traveling should be constructive not spoiling.

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