Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and behaviour Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome cultural differences Discuss both iews and give your own opinion

More and more visitors are traveling to foreign countries for business purposes or enjoy vacations these days. Owing to this, one group of people think that customs and traditions should be followed by travelers, while I disagree with the given statement. This essay will discuss the pros and cons of this.
To initiate with, there are immense reasons why I believe they should not follow customs. Firstly, if it is compulsory to follow other traditions, visitors may feel humiliating towards their religion. They might hurt the feeling of pride on their religion. Secondly, when travelers visit another country, they could influence another culture. Also, they would follow foreign customs even after coming back to their home country. Also, host countries’ people can learn a new culture when they meet tourists, and can aware of things all over the world, which would improve their standard of living.
On the contrary, people who believe that tourists should respect host customs through learning table manners and dress code. Firstly, if visitors are following other country’s traditions, local people would welcome it. Lastly, in some countries, some rules must be followed to respect the host culture. For instance, in some Islamic countries, governments prohibit drinking alcohol for tourists or ask women tourists to wear some specific dresses.
In conclusion, although respect should be given to host culture, it is not necessary for tourists to follow their customs and traditions because they are only live there for a few days.

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