The table illustrates the proportion of monthly household income five European countries spend on food and drink housing clothing and entertainment Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The percentage of income which five European nations consume on food, drink,housing and clothing is demonstrated by given tabular representation.
To begin with, France, Germany and UK spend majority of their income on housing at 31%,33% and 37% respectively.However, less preference is given to clothing by five differ nations which is not more than 15%. Moreover, 36% of income is utilised on food and drink by Turkey which is maximum than Spain(31%).
Moving further, the proportion of income spend on it by France, Germany and UK is almost same with a little difference of 2%. Entertainment is highly liked by only Germany(19%) than other four nations which spend only below 15% of their income except Spain(15%).
Overall, it is apparent that housing and food & drink cover maximum household income rather than other two in given five nations.

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