There are many different types of music in the world today Why do we need music Is the traditional music of a country more important than the international music that is heared everywhere nowadays Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant exam

Any civilization is built on its history, leaders, society, art and literature. The importance of art especially being Music is the most important, as they tell us about our society, what we have been and how we are. With time everything evolves not just us but our surroundings too, the way we think also changes, this also has happened to our music or art which has evolved with course of time.

I personally love music, for me it a soul connection with god directly, I would love to listen to any kind of music in any language, be it in any language. Traditional music being Indian classical is way different than today's music scene in India. The music of the west has always been the one evolving with the wars, civil riots or personal life experiences, the music of India revolves around Indian Cinema. Traditionally, in India music was created where you will need an orchestra and it revolved around a Raaga, now a days it is more done on a laptop or a computer system and Indian music cinema music is produced.

This was never about competition of the western music or Indian music is better, it was always about just music, whatever one likes or loves to listen. I would always believe that music being traditional or any other should be something that an individual likes, it is for them to decide.

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