There are many different types of music in the world today Why do we need music Is the traditional music of a country more important than the international music that is heared everywhere nowadays Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant exam

Music exists in one form or another in every culture of the society and it is a vital part of all human cultures for many reasons. Although, international music is necessary, traditional music is still more important, the reasons for which will be enumerated in this essay.

Firstly, music is an essential part of human life. It helps us in time of stress and strain by providing a soothing effect to our mind. It helps us to relax, to relieve boredom of long journeys and even make us dance in certain situations. For example, a study conducted by the Oxford University press found out that, in difficult situations such as exams or interviews, music helps to relieve the stress in people. Furthermore, music play a key role in maintaining traditions and culture of a nation and it also convey certain cultural norms which helps to maintain the fabric of the society.

Secondly, in considering which kind of music is more important, we must acknowledge that it is traditional music which carry the history and culture of a particular society. The only purpose of international music is to entertain people all over the globe, and this kind of music do not convey a central message, they are rather made for commercial purposes. Traditional music by contrast teaches people about their history and helps societies to remember and retain their national and cultural identity. For instance, the national anthem of India reminds Indians about their past, it evokes the events that led to their independence. So it is evident that traditional music of a country should be preserved.

In conclusion, music is a crucial part for our life and existence, and traditional music is more important than international music because it helps us to learn who we really are.

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