The bar chart below shows shares of expenditures for five major categories in the United States Canada the United Kingdom and Japan in the year 2009

The graph compares spending over five main sectors in USA,UK,Japan and Canada in 2009.
Noticeably, housing ,headed the list in spending followed by transportation and food .while, expenditures over heath care and clothes were the least.
Its clear that US, had the highest spending share at 26% which is more than 2% of UK,while, Japan and Canada spent lower than others (23% and 21%) respectively.
In contrast, Japan accounted for the highest food expenditures with 26% compared to those of UK at 20%. On the other hand US and Canada shared the lowest expenditures 14% and 15% respectively. However, Canada , overtook the highest share in transportation at 20% ,2% greater than US while, UK and Japan were the lowest shared with 15% and 10% respectively.
Noticeable, all countries expenditures for healthcare and clothes were less except for UK , spent lesser than other countries for healthcare.

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